Round Table “Making sense of non-fungible tokens: all hype or future?” on April 27, 2021

ITSA e.V. will host an online round table on the topic “Making sense of non-fungible tokens: all hype or future?” on April 27, 2021. The goal is to bring together a group of max. 20 experts and decision makers to discuss possible use cases of NFTs and their future development in areas like gaming, arts, DeFi and digital identity. If you are interested and would like to participate, the next paragraphs will give you further information. If you want to apply as a participant of this round table, please fill out the application form (5 minutes).

What is the content of this round table?

The goal of this round table is to foster the exchange of knowledge between a small group of max. 20 blockchain experts and decision-makers in the field of non-fungible Tokens. NFTs have been a source of considerable excitement in the blockchain community for quite some time now, and they show no signs of slowing down. NFTs are best understood as computer files combined with proof of ownership and authenticity. Like cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, they exist on a blockchain — a tamper-resistant distributed ledger. But like dollars, cryptocurrencies are “fungible,” meaning one bitcoin is always worth the same as any other bitcoin. In contrast, NFTs often do not have such a clear economic purpose which is displayed in unique valuations. They are used to create verifiable digital scarcity and ownership and are often planted in the realms of crypto-art, -collectibles, and -gaming. Recently, they have been garnering more and more attention from the blockchain community as reflected in their sale volume.

In the capacity of ITSA e.V. as a platform for disseminating and transferring knowledge, we would like to promote discussion in this area focusing on the application side. In particular, our aim is to discuss — in a small group of max. 20 people — potential use cases of NFTs in various fields such as gaming, arts, DeFi or digital identities. To do this, we have invited several key experts from the field that will participate in the round table.

Experts invited to the round table

  • Valerio Fichera, BTC-Echo
  • Garry Krugljakow, Blockchain Entrepreneur & Investor
  • Maximilian Bruckner, ITSA
  • Christian Viehof, ITSA

Location, date, and application

  • Location: online conference (Google Meets)
  • Date: April 27, 2021
  • Time: 15h00 –16h30 (CET)
  • Language: English
  • Application required by filling out this application form (5 minutes)
  • Maximum number of participants: 20

Who should participate?

  • Decision-makers and employees that are operating in the field of NFTs
  • NFT artists and collectors
  • Journalists who are interested in NFTs


International Token Standardization Association e.V.


Phone: +49 151 52580120


About ITSA e.V.

ITSA e.V. is a non-profit organization headquartered in Berlin primarily focusing on the standardization of tokens and crypto assets. In addition to the development of unique identifiers, an international classification framework and a token data register (Tokenbase), the center offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and thought for decision-makers and startups as well as technology and industry experts. ITSA e.V. sets new research impulses for students and organizes educational round tables for executives in the field of tokenization.

Further information is available on the Internet, on Twitter, or on LinkedIn.


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International Token Standardization Association

The International Token Standardization Association (ITSA) is a not for profit organization working on holistic market standards for the global token economy.